Patience/What Love Is

In Late 2021 David Released 2 songs titled Patience/What Love Is. Downloads can be found at  and via the links below.

Below you can hear Patience and What Love is sample cuts and view complete Lyrics. I invite you to on to listen or download.


What Love Is

Use the down arrow on the right to view complete Patience/What Love Is lyrics

01 Patience



Took back my dream just got tired of waiting

Not hanging around for better or worse

I had no time for your long talks and trendy wisdom

Now it stocks me like a curse


I saw the eyes

He looked in my soul

It was patience himself

Then he swallowed me whole

I kicked for my pride

He taught me I couldn't hide

He tried to slow my neglect  

Patience Stop I regret


I'll hold my fire but I can't wait forever

Feels like my back is against the wall

It's real anxiety ready to explode in me

Damage done now I crawl 


Could have taken time

Could have spoke with respect

Could have looked in your eyes

And understood what you meant

Someone said drop all your fears

But there's a reason for fears

Maybe slow down and wait

She said to appreciate

Everyday that goes by

I understand why

Patience stop this regret

Patience stop this regret


Given half the chance

I would do it over

Never thought my haste would be break me down

Then can't be pulled up into now


© 2021 David Santos

02 What Love Is

What Love Is


Why do we avoid people in the streets

When we don't know who they are

So we all are different 

Maybe we're just frightened from afar

How long does it take before a man 

A perfect stranger lends a hand

Then you know what love is


Why do I misjudge you when you're only

trying to tell me where you've gone

Sometimes these thoughts in my mind

Oh they're just very wrong

How long does it take before the woman

says she understands

Then you know what love is

Then you know what love is


Everything makes sense, you become

On the river you drift into the calm

Everything came easy when you found your brand new focus

Floating in your sacred pond


Why must you judge everything you think 

And who you are

Look into the mirror

Can't you see you've come so very far

Now you know what love is

Now you know what love is

Now you know what love is

Now you know what love is


© 2021 David Santos